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Why Neerja


"Neerja" and "Career Path" provide an inspiring combination of growth prospects, continuous innovation, fair play and a great work culture that makes it an exhilarating place to be in. Neerja is a place you'll want to come back to each morning for the rest of your life, with a sense of achievement and a smile of job satisfaction as Neerja Careers are for Life. Neerja has the right blend of youth and experienced professionals. Our management team is evenly spaced between the ages of 30 and 55. The right blends of youth and experience.

At present, the Enterprise has a dedicated team which includes specialists in areas such as Blue Pottery products, E-Commerce Sales and Operations.

Aina Joshi

Intern Aina Joshi, 19yrs, Political Science and International Relations, Ashoka University, Haryana

Divyam Vishwakarma

Intern Divyam Vishwakarma, 21, Intern(Product Designing), NIFT Bhopal

Shivani Gupta

Intern 18, Product Designer, SRN International School, Jaipur

Saniya Zareda

Intern 18, Product Designer, SRN International School, Jaipur

Anvita Maheshwary

Intern Product Designer, JPIS Jaipur, 15

Stuti Banerjee

Intern  21, Fashion and Lifestyle Accessory Design, NIFT, Bhubaneshwar

Nishtha Jain

Intern 19, Fashion & Lifestyle Accessory Design,  NIFT, Hyderabad

Nishi kachhwaha

Intern 22, Jewelry Designer, NIFT Bhopal

Rashmi Lahri

Intern 20, Jewelry Designer, NIFT Bhopal


Intern 20, Product Designer, NIFT, Bhopal

Shivangi Singh

Intern 20, Jewelry Designer, NIFT Bhopal

Sonam Agarwal

Intern 30, Interior Designer, Design Eye, Kanpur

Neha Patwari

Intern Product Designer, SCAD USA,BFA Illustration,23  

Yashvi Baxi

Intern Product Designer, IICD Jaipur,20

Poornima Singh

Intern Product Designer, NIFT Raebareli,21

Sarika Singh

Intern Product Designer, NIFT Raebareli,21

Nidhi Singh

Intern Product Designer, NIFT Shillong,20

Domitille Mailley

Intern Student of Phelma, Grenoble INP, France

Alison Guerinel

Intern Research and Marketing of Blue Pottery, Lycee Carcouet, France

Saumya Ghai

Intern Fashion and Lifestyle Accessories Design

Neha Yadav

Intern Fashion & Lifestyle Accessories Designer, NIFT, Class of 2012

Alicia Bruno

Intern 24, Digital Marketing Intern

Ramona Kaur

Intern Product Design, Store Layout, Graphic Design. Brazil

Bruno Souto

Intern Product Design, Store Layout, Graphic Design, Brazil

Vanshree Rai

Intern NIFT Kangra India, 21

Radhika Malhotra

Intern NIFT Kangra India, 21

Thayse Dal Ponte

Intern Design and Product Development, Brazil,25 (Entrepreneur- Webstore Owner)  


Mobile: +91-98290-43679

Mobile: +91-98290-06039

Marketing: +91-98290-63639

Accounts: +91-98290-96769 


Neerja Corporate Office / Warehouse: 399A Shri Gopal Nagar, Gopal Pura Bye Pass, Jaipur, Raj, India 302018

For direction please call +91-141-2502046 , +91-141-2503812

Neerja Retail: 1 Anand Bhawan, Jacob Road, Civil Lines, Jaipur, 302001

For direction please call +91-141-4112609

we are hiring 1985-2017. Website Design & developed by Neerja Softwares Pvt. Ltd. Hosted at EverData | Media