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Internship Certificate Program for Blue Pottery Students


Neerja International Inc. is well known in India and abroad as a premier Corporate who have enhanced the social strata of village craftsmen and instilled in them the fervor and enthusiasm for enlivening the dying craft of Blue Pottery and becoming self-reliant and self-sufficient in today’s world. We have been instrumental in honing up the craftsmen’s skills by creating path-breaking innovations for increasing profitability ratios and brimming cash registers.

We have initiated an Internship Certificate Program that consists of a 3 month course for students. The Fees applicable will be Rs.15000/- for the full course which will be taken upfront.

(Please note that lodging and boarding facilities will have to be managed by the Interns themselves)

The Interns will have an insight of the in-house facilities at grass root levels at the potter’s works as well as enjoy an exposure to the contemporary infrastructure and work culture at newest technologies along with Products & Services, Designing & Marketing Research, Project Management, Research Methodology, Business Communication, Consumer Behavior and Project Work.



Mobile: +91-98290-43679

Mobile: +91-98290-06039

Marketing: +91-98290-63639

Accounts: +91-98290-96769 


Neerja Corporate Office / Warehouse: 399A Shri Gopal Nagar, Gopal Pura Bye Pass, Jaipur, Raj, India 302018

For direction please call +91-141-2502046 , +91-141-2503812

Neerja Retail: 1 Anand Bhawan, Jacob Road, Civil Lines, Jaipur, 302001

For direction please call +91-141-4112609

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